We know you have many choices when donating on Giving Tuesday. A donation to USLCA is a way to give back to your colleagues and a donation to the advancement of your profession.

Many of our programs are donor funded and rely on your generosity. Read more about a few of our programs below.

IBCLC Scholarship: USLCA’s scholarship fund aids marginalized communities in their goal of becoming an IBCLC through the support of breastfeeding education and exam fees. This program is run 100% on donated funds.

Membership Grants: Our Membership Grant Fund provides membership assistance for those who are unable to join on their own. This program is funded entirely through donations.

Advocacy: Donating to USLCA’s advocacy committee allows for a stronger focus on the legislative and policy efforts to support and advance the lactation profession.

Donate now through Giving Tuesday and receive a special USLCA gift!

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