Thank you for registering as an exhibitor at USLCA’s New Horizons in Clinical Lactation conference. You will receive an email confirmation of your registration shortly.
Exhibitor Packages
As an exhibitor at USLCA’s 2017 conference, you have a unique opportunity to highlight your company through our exhibitor packages. Increase your company’s visibility by sponsoring the conference or advertising. Please see below for sponsorship and advertising opportunities, or return to the Conference homepage here.
Sponsorship (Credit/Debit Card)
Take this valuable opportunity to support USLCA by becoming a sponsor of our conference. All sponsors will be listed on our website as they are received through April 1, 2017 in recognition of their support of lactation professionals.
Click here for an outline of sponsorship level recognition.
Enter your donation amount below to process via credit card.
- Bronze ≤$500
- Silver $500-$999
- Gold $1000-$4999
- Platinum $5000+
- Presenting Sponsor-Reserved for one single large donor over $10,000
Don’t see a sponsorship option that meets your needs? Call for a customized sponsorship package!
Syllabus Advertising (Credit/Debit)
Include an ad in the Conference Syllabus and share information about your products with Conference attendees. A variety of sizes are available, specifications to follow.
Enter the total for your advertisement below to process via credit/debit card.
Size Layout Format Cost per issue:
• Inside Cover Full Page: $750
• Full Page: $600
• Half Page: $400
• Quarter Page: $250
• Business Card: $100