Highlighting tools for your practice, created by members
The following tools are created by USLCA members. All listings must comply with the International Code of Marketing Breast-Milk Substitutes as well as current WHA resolutions as well as align with USLCA’s mission. Listing in the USLCA Marketplace is not a product endorsement.
To submit a product, tool, or resource to the USLCA Marketplace, please click here.
Category: Apps
Breastfeeding Central
Cost: $3.99
Intended User: Moms, Lactation Consultants, Hospitals, Doulas, Support Groups, Peer Counselors
LactApp Medical
Cost: $89.99
Intended User: Lactation Consultants, Hospitals, Other
Breastfeeding Solutions
Cost: $4.99
Intended User: Mom, Lactation Consultant, Hospital
Cost: $29.99
Intended User: Lactation Consultant
Category: Clinical Tools

LER Parent Handouts - English and Spanish
Cost: Free
Intended User: Lactation Consultant
Cost: $28.95
Intended User: Mom, Lactation Consultant, Hospitals
Sweet Sips Colostrum Spoons
Cost: $29.99
Intended User: Lactation Consultant
Spoon Card, illustrates skin to skin, hand expressing & spoon feeding colostrum
Cost: $29.99
Intended User: Lactation Consultant
Double Crochet Boobs
Cost: $12.00
Intended User: Lactation Consultant, Businesses
Category: IBCLC Exam Preparation
Breastfeeding and Human Lactation, Seventh Edition
Cost: $149.95
Intended User: Lactation Consultant, Hospital, Businesses
Counseling the Nursing Mother, Seventh Edition
Cost: $170.95
Intended User: Lactation Consultant, Hospital, Businesses
Supporting Sucking Skills in Breastfeeding Infants, Fourth Edition
Cost: $92.95
Intended User: Lactation Consultant, Hospital, Businesses
Breastfeeding Answers: A Guide for Helping Families, Second Edition
Cost: $89.95
Intended User: Lactation Specialists
Breastfeeding Management for the Clinician: Using the Evidence, Fifth Edition
Cost: $79.95
Intended User: Lactation Consultant, Hospital, Businesses

You've Got This! LER Live Session: Exam Prep August 2021
Cost: Free
Intended User: Aspiring IBCLC

Find Your Pathway to the IBCLC: Simple Steps to Finding Your Best Pathway to Becoming an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant
Cost: Free
Intended User: Aspiring IBCLC
The Breastfeeding Atlas, 7th Edition
Cost: $86.99
Intended User: Lactation Consultant
Comprehensive Lactation Consultant Exam Review, Fifth Edition
Cost: $86.95
Intended User: Lactation Consultant, Hospital, Businesses

IBLCE Exam Review
Cost: $99.00
Intended User: IBCLC, Aspiring IBCLC

IBLCE Exam Review Enriched
Cost: $199.00
Intended User: IBCLC, Aspiring IBCLC
Category: Other
Category: Print Media
A Lullaby: Reflections for Caregivers of Breastfeeding Families
Cost: $15.95
Intended User: Lactation Care Providers
Under One Sky - Intimate encounters with moms and babies by a breastfeeding consultant and nurse.
Cost: $16.95
Intended User: Lactation Care Providers
Category: Practice Resources
Crash Course in Billing and Reimbursement for Lactation Consultants by Donna Sinnott & Annie Frisbie
Cost: Varies
Intended User: Lactation Consultant, Businesses
IBCLC Business Consulting
Cost: Varies
Intended User: Lactation Consultant
The Paperless Private Practice Blog
Cost: Free
Intended User: Lactation Consultant

Recertifying by CERPs: Your Step-By-Step Guide
Cost: Free
Intended User: Lactation Consultants

General Education Course Bundle
Cost: $99.00
Intended User: Lactation Consultants
Tools for Private Practice - Attorney reviewed templates, charting forms, and more private practice tools.
Cost: Varies
Intended User: Lactation Consultant
CERPS for Private Practice – Clinical Complexities in Private Practice
Cost: Varies
Intended User: Lactation Consultant
Evolve Lactation Community Membership
Cost: Free to up to $8.00 per month
Intended User: Lactation Consultant, Aspiring Lactation Care Provider, or Birth Worker
Pocket Guide for Lactation Management, Fourth Edition
Cost: $62.95
Intended User: Lactation Care Providers, Midwives, Women’s Health Providers, Pediatric Care Providers
Core Curriculum for Interdisciplinary Lactation Care
Cost: $103.95
Intended User: Lactation Consultant, Hospital, Businesses, Academic Institutions, Health Science Centers
Perspectives In Lactation: Is Private Practice For Me?
Cost: $17.95
Intended User: Lactation Consultant, Businesses
Lactation Business Coaching Deeper Dives
Cost: Varies
Intended User: Lactation Consultant, Businesses
The Lactation Consultant in Private Practice: The ABCs of Getting Started
Cost: $171.95
Intended User: Lactation Consultant, Businesses
Lactation Private Practice Toolkit
Cost: Varies
Intended User: Lactation Consultant
Category: Training Programs
More Than Reflexes: Learning, Forgetting, and Relearning Infant Breastfeeding Skills
Cost: $60.00
Intended User: Lactation Consultant, Hospitals

Lactation Consultant Training Program Enriched
Cost: $1025.00
Intended User: Aspiring IBCLC

LER Live: The Realities of Being and Becoming an IBCLC
Cost: Free
Intended User: Aspiring IBCLC

75-CERP Recertification Bundle
Cost: $849.00
Intended User: Lactation Consultant
Pathway 2 Lactation Training Program
Cost: $9,000.00
Intended User: Aspiring IBCLCs

Core Lactation Consultant Course
Cost: $675.00
Intended User: Aspiring Lactation Consultant

Lactation Consultant Bridge Course
Cost: $625.00
Intended User: Aspiring Lactation Consultant

Communications Skills for the Lactation Support Provider
Cost: $99.00
Intended User: Aspiring IBCLC

Continuing Education Courses for Lactation
Cost: Varies
Intended User: Aspiring IBCLC

Cost: $99.00 – $998.00
Intended User: Lactation Consultant

Capacitacion en Lactancia
Cost: Varies
Intended User: Aspiring Lactation Professionals
Cost: Variable per class
Intended User: Lactation Consultant, Hospitals, Businesses
Lactation Consultant Training Program - Pathway 1
Cost: $1,195.00
Intended User: Moms, Lactation Consultant, Hospitals, Businesses
Lactation Consultant Training Program - Pathway 2
Cost: $7,500.00
Intended User: Moms, Lactation Consultant, Hospitals, Businesses
The Lactation Consultant Training Program
Cost: $14.00
Intended User: Lactation Consultant, Other