Call for Poster Abstracts
United States Lactation Consultant Association
Gateway to Excellence Conference
May 3 – 5, 2013 in St Louis, MO
Union Station Marriott, St. Louis, MO
USLCA invites poster abstracts that showcase original, unpublished clinical or research topics reflecting the conference theme, “Gateway to Excellent.” This three-day inaugural conference will feature speakers such as Tom Hale, Catherine Watson Genna, Marsha Walker, and Liz Brooks.
USLCA’s Call for Poster Abstracts provides an opportunity for USLCA members and others in the maternal/child health community to submit poster proposals that share their insights, expertise and research with colleagues.
The site will be open from December 1 to March 1, 2013 (US calendar and Eastern Daylight Time). When the site closes, the Conference Research Task Force will begin their review of submitted abstracts. Authors will receive notification via email by March 1 as to whether their work has been selected.
If you have any questions about the submission process or if you submit an abstract and do not receive email notification by March 2, please contact me.
Genae Strong, PhD, CNM, RNC-OB, IBCLC
USLCA Research Task Force- Chair
USLCA Poster Abstract Guidelines
All abstracts will be peer-reviewed for selection.
Do not indicate any identifying factors, i.e. hospital or university name.
The abstract should not exceed a total of 250 words.
Please put “POSTER 2013” at the end of the abstract title when submitting.
No cover letter required. Instead write “clinical” or “research” in the cover letter window.
All poster submissions must have 2 – 3 objectives with content outline that participants can successfully meet after reviewing your poster for CERP’s to be awarded. Place this at the end of the abstract.
No more than 2 abstracts may be submitted from an author/group of authors.
Include all authors’ names, credentials, and titles as you would like them to appear in the program book.
References should be in APA style as specified in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), 6th Edition.
Poster dimensions cannot exceed 4’x 8’ and participants will be responsible for hanging their poster on the bulletin board provided by the conference center at their assigned session time. Push pins will be available for those who want to use them.
If accepted, at least one author must register for the conference by April 1 and be available for questions and discussion with participants during their poster session time. Poster session time does not occur during educational presentations.
If accepted, all presenters at the conference must be paid conference registrants on any days that the poster is displayed.