Board Nominations Open

Board Nominations Open

The USLCA Board of Directors is now accepting nominations for a board seat beginning spring 2021.  Nominations will be accepted through November 30, 2020 for installment at the 2021 Annual Membership Meeting. Qualifications include: Current IBCLC USLCA member in good...

Inclusivity Depends on You

In honor of National Breastfeeding Month, USLCA is launching a campaign to highlight the efforts to make the lactation profession a more inclusive space.  Unified as Lactation Care Providers, we invite IBCLCs, CLCs, CLEs, CBEs, LLLL, Peer Counselors, and every other...

Speaker Database

USLCA is pleased to launch its newest member benefit, the USLCA Speaker Database! We have heard the request for more diverse speakers but we also share the struggle to identify a new generation of speakers.  It is our goal to curate a running list of speakers and...