Welcoming Maureen Dann

Welcoming Maureen Dann

USLCA is proud to announce that Maureen Dann has accepted the position of Director of Professional Development after Genae Strong resigned due to personal reasons.  Maureen supports educational efforts for the IBCLC in both her local community of Western New York and...

US BFHI Milestone Reached

USLCA is happy to note that one of the breastfeeding metrics in the Healthy People 2020 Goals has been surpassed!  Baby-Friendly USA recently announced that 17% of births in the US now occur in Baby-Friendly designated hospitals.  Across the nation, IBCLCs and...

Speaking of Aspiring IBCLC®s…

USLCA has created a Facebook Group called “Aspiring IBCLCs” as a way to share information and foster connections between IBCLCs and those working toward their credential.  We invite your participation and hope you will bring your knowledge about the profession to this...