The events below were created by USLCA members and were reviewed after submission. All listings must comply with the International Code of Marketing Breast-Milk Substitutes as well as current WHA resolutions as well as align with USLCA’s mission. Listing in the USLCA Calendar of Events is not an endorsement of any company or event.
To submit your event to the USLCA Calendar click here.

COVID-19 and Early Post-Partum Breastfeeding: Emerging Evidence and Recommendations

Virtual Classroom

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought forth new challenges in managing the breastfeeding dyad. As evidence continues to emerge, guidelines and recommendations are evolving surrounding breastfeeding for COVID-19-positive or suspected positive new parents. In observance of World Breastfeeding Week, the DC Breastfeeding Coalition and DC Health are hosting a Webinar with internationally recognized experts from major […]