Recent News

Inclusivity Depends on You

In honor of National Breastfeeding Month, USLCA is launching a campaign to highlight the efforts to make the lactation profession a more inclusive space.  Unified as Lactation Care Providers, we invite IBCLCs, CLCs, CLEs, CBEs, LLLL, Peer Counselors, and every other...

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Lactation work during the COVID-19 pandemic

We look forward to the opportunity to compile stories of how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the lactation profession in an effort to inform how we serve our members in the future. All stories will remain anonymous. [wufoo username="uslca" formhash="mg6kahd1b2sa6t"...

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Speaker Database

USLCA is pleased to launch its newest member benefit, the USLCA Speaker Database! We have heard the request for more diverse speakers but we also share the struggle to identify a new generation of speakers.  It is our goal to curate a running list of speakers and...

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2019 Lactation Care Provider Demographics

In an effort to better understand the demographics of the lactation profession within the United States, USLCA launched an open survey to the entire profession last year.  As a service to the profession, we are publishing the preliminary results of the data in a...

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An Open Letter from USLCA to the Lactation Field

With all that has been happening during the current global pandemic, we offer this message of hope and goodwill to all who work or volunteer in the service of pregnant and lactating people around the world. First, to all who are ill, caring for loved ones who are ill,...

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2020 Annual Membership Meeting

Join the USLCA Board and Staff in our Annual Membership Meeting as we welcome our newest board member, Stacy Davis, acknowledge our award recipients, and share highlights from the last year and goals for the future. This year's Annual Membership Meeting has been...

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COVID-19 and Breastfeeding

As the public health situation around COVID-19 continues to progress, below is a list of reliable resources to help guide lactating parents. USLCA will continue to update these links as new information becomes available. Information: Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine...

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Advocacy Committee Members Needed!

USLCA is excited to launch and begin recruitment for members of our advocacy committee.  Are you interested in legislation? Have experience in policy initiatives? Complete a committee application today! Contact Executive Director, Danielle Harmon with questions!

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