Recordings now available!
Session 1: Equity-mindedness: Identifying and Interrupting Implicit Bias
This foundational workshop will be facilitated utilizing a social justice lens that examines the connectedness between diversity, equity and inclusion. Through an examination of individual, institutional, and systemic influences in relation to social injustice, participants will learn about systemic oppression, that is historically founded in privilege and power. They will learn more about their own socialization and social identities along with the conscious and unconscious prejudices and bias they may hold.
Session 2: Equity-mindedness and Cultural Responsiveness in the Health and Lactation Space Panel
Panelists will discuss their approach to advancing equity in the health and lactation space at the individual, institutional, and systemic levels. They will also discuss the value of being culturally competent and share culturally responsive strategies.
Session 3: Allyship, Anti-Racism, and Cultural Responsiveness
This workshop will deepen participants’ knowledge and understanding of allyship and cultural value diversity. Concepts of cultural competence, cultural humility, cultural sensitivity and cultural awareness will be introduced, explored and made meaning of. Through the development of cultural intelligence, participants will build their capacity to relate and work effectively in culturally diverse situations.
Number of CERPs & CNEs
2 E CERPs / 2 CNEs each session (6 E CERPs / 6 CNEs total for full 3-day workshop)
RD and DTRs, please note: The CDR accepts self-study material that have been approved by ANCC.
Adrienne Coleman, Ed.D.
Adrienne Coleman is an innovative, creative, problem-centered, equity-minded leader who has contributed to the diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) space for the past fifteen years. As a speaker, researcher and DEI expert, she has influenced educational institutions, social-service organizations, law enforcement, government agencies and international groups in moving DEI work forward. In addition, she has been responsible for assessing potential barriers and developing strategies focused on recruiting and retaining a diverse community; designing training initiatives on cultural competency, implicit bias, stereotype threat and other topics designed to increase awareness; and implementing DEI policies and strategic plans. Her equity-focused research in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) has informed programs throughout the nation, been shared globally and led to the development of the D-STEM Equity Model, a comprehensive approach to diversifying the STEM education to career pipeline, from a racial perspective.
Full workshop: BIPOC: Free | Non-BIPOC: $35 members* | Non-BIPOC: $55 non-members
Session 1 only: Free for Everyone
Session 2 only: Non-BIPOC: $20 members* | Non-BIPOC: $30 non-members
Session 3 only: Non-BIPOC: $20 members* | Non-BIPOC: $30 non-members
* for qualifying membership levels
The acronym BIPOC stands for “Black, Indigenous, and People Of Color”
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