Exhibit Opportunities

NEW HORIZONS logoWe have three exhibit categories available: Commercial, Small Business, and Non-profit. Please note, the Small Business category is intended for those with fewer than five employees.  A standard 8×10-foot booth package includes one skirted table, two chairs, one wastebasket, and one company sign. Exhibit registration includes one representative with lunch. Additional representatives and lunches may be purchased.

After selecting the appropriate exhibit category, you’ll be able to select exhibit enhancements. If you choose a Corner Exhibit Booth as an enhancement, placements will be made on a first-come, first-served basis. If we are unable to honor your request for a corner booth, you will be refunded your fee paid for this enhancement.

Please refer to the conference floorplan to view the the layout and location of the exhibitor booths.

Download the full exhibitor prospectus




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