Board Nominations Open

Board Nominations Open

The USLCA Board of Directors is now accepting nominations for a board seat beginning spring 2020.  Nominations will be accepted through November 30, 2019 for installment at the 2020 Annual Membership Meeting. Qualifications include: Current IBCLC USLCA member in good...


Whether you are currently practicing as an IBCLC in the United States or aspiring to be one, USLCA is working on launching a special section of our website dedicated to you! In order to meet the needs of IBCLCs working in 2019, we are hoping to gather your feedback to...

2019 AGM Minutes

The Board of USLCA is pleased to present you with the following documents; including our annual report, financial summary, and recording of our Annual Membership Meeting (AGM), which was held on May 17, 2019 during our conference in Scottsdale, AZ . As you know, prior...
Awards Nominations

Awards Nominations

Nominate yourself or a colleague by April 15, 2019! Now is the time to nominate yourself or a colleague to be recognized for outstanding contributions in our field. IBCLCs are doing great work every day and USLCA values the opportunity to highlight this devotion....