We want to hear from you

We want to hear from you

By Danielle Harmon, MPH I have recently been disheartened over several conversations happening in social media circles about “what is USLCA is doing wrong?”  I came to this organization 7 ½ years ago after working IN lactation with a tremendous understanding for...
How are you evolving as a lactation care provider?

How are you evolving as a lactation care provider?

By Christine Staricka, BS, IBCLC, RLC When I say “reflect,” you probably think of sitting somewhere with your favorite beverage, thinking, maybe daydreaming. Not this time!  I’m challenging you to reflect by acting. Let’s use this season of reflection to create and...
Board Nominations Open

Board Nominations Open

The USLCA Board of Directors is now accepting nominations for a board seat beginning spring 2022.  Nominations will be accepted through December 31, 2021 for installment at the 2022 Annual Membership Meeting. Qualifications include: Current IBCLC USLCA member in good...
A Binational Community Solidifies Through the Pandemic

A Binational Community Solidifies Through the Pandemic

By Lizabeth Berkeley, MPH, IBCLC I entered the field of lactation through the lens of public health in the 1980s in New York City. Towards the end of that decade, I moved to El Paso, Texas on the U.S.-Mexico border and started a very different life. Thirty five years...