2016 AGM Minutes

to provide access to all members, we held our first ever online AGM which we feel was a great success! In follow-up to the meeting we have compiled the following reports to update all of our members on what is going on at USLCA. We invite you to review, vote on the...
Mobile-ready website

Mobile-ready website

Tell us about your experience! USLCA is excited to launch our updated mobile ready website which will allow you, potential clients, and the public better navigation from your mobile devices and tablets. While we have taken the time to test the updated website and are...
USLCA is “U”-Christine’s Story

USLCA is “U”-Christine’s Story

I always knew somewhere deep down that an IBCLC does more than help mothers and babies with breastfeeding.  I saw my mentor teaching nurses, participating in our local Coalition, working both in and outside of a hospital, writing policies, writing letters to our local...
FDA Public Workshop

FDA Public Workshop

Evaluation of the Safety of Drugs and Biological Products Used During Lactation April 27-28, 2016 Marsha Walker, RN, IBCLC   The purpose of this 2-day workshop was to provide a forum to discuss the current state and future directions of the collection of data on...
Awards Nominations

Awards Nominations

Nominate yourself or a colleague by April 12, 2017 Now is the time to nominate yourself or a colleague to be recognized for outstanding contributions in our field. IBCLCs are doing great work every day and USLCA values the opportunity to highlight this devotion. Learn...
Welcoming Maureen Dann

Welcoming Maureen Dann

USLCA is proud to announce that Maureen Dann has accepted the position of Director of Professional Development after Genae Strong resigned due to personal reasons.  Maureen supports educational efforts for the IBCLC in both her local community of Western New York and...