Alone in the World

Alone in the World

by Dominique Gallo, IBCLC, RLC I live in southwest Virginia. I have a beautiful view of the Appalachian Mountains’ skyline from my back yard. It’s so beautiful here. The area is rural and has a small town feel to it. Lots of mom-and-pop shops and restaurants are here...
Introducing Amplify!

Introducing Amplify!

Who has something to say about human lactation, lactation care, and our profession? Well, it turns out that A LOT OF US DO. We do love to chat about these things, don’t we? We like to debate, to discuss, to turn things over and over to find the important bits. ...
Board Nominations Open

Board Nominations Open

The USLCA Board of Directors is now accepting nominations for a board seat beginning spring 2021.  Nominations will be accepted through November 30, 2020 for installment at the 2021 Annual Membership Meeting. Qualifications include: Current IBCLC USLCA member in good...