8 Steps to Advocacy

8 Steps to Advocacy

See how you can get involved in licensure with USLCA’s 8 Steps to Advocacy featured in the March edition of Advocacy in Action. The following content is accessible for members only, please sign in.

Take Advantage of Your Member Profile!

At the end of 2014 USLCA launched its new membership database system.  This new platform allows you to customize your member profile and tailor the look of your Find a Lactation Consultant Database listing.  Log-on today to customize how colleagues and clients see...
Breast milk treatment for atopic eczema-a little dab will do ‘ya

Seeing yellow—the eyes have it!

Just how long should jaundice last in a breastfed baby? Should we jump to intervene after 1 week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks? Researchers (1) have shown that it is normal for 20% to 30% of predominantly breastfed newborns to be jaundiced at 3 to 4 weeks and for 30% to 40% of...

FAQs related to USLCA’s business changes

USLCA appreciates the questions and interest of our members. If you have a question, please let us know by sending to info@uslca.org. We thank you for your involvement in your national professional association. What is different? Q.What differences will I notice as a...