This monograph series, published by Praeclarus Press, republishes articles from Clinical Lactation grouped by topic. The goal is to allow easier access to the information. In addition, having several articles together on the same topic creates a synergistic effect and allows for new connections to be made with the material and between articles.
The monographs are available in both print and e-book format. Purchase copies in either format on Amazon or paper back copies at Praeclarus Press.
Promoting Breastfeeding Medical Settings
Promoting Breastfeeding: Medical Settings is a compilation of recent articles that address these important questions. Women are more likely to successfully breastfeed when we can all work together. Promoting Breastfeeding: Medical Settings will help you work more effectively with providers in medical settings to promote, protect, and support breastfeeding.
Tongue-Tie Expert Roundtable
Tongue-tie has become one of the most controversial topics in lactation. Unfortunately, mothers, babies, and the IBCLCs who want to help are caught in the crossfire. How should tongue-tie be identified and treated? Do posterior ties exist? Are there alternatives to surgery? These are some of the issues lactation consultants face, as well as Scope of Practice issues and what their role should be in identifying and treating tongue-tie.
This monograph features an expert roundtable answering these important questions. We assembled a panel of experts on tongue-tie who represented a wide range of disciplines including pediatrics, family medicine, dentistry, mental health, speech and language, and lactation. Members of this panel do not always agree, but the discourse is respectful and represents the state of the art in this field.
Breast and Nipple Pain
Nipple pain is one of the most common reasons for premature cessation of breastfeeding. Breast and Nipple Pain is a collection of articles with the latest insights on how to help mothers who experience it.
Cultural Competence
Cultural Competency is a concise collection of articles that will help you improve your effectiveness when working with mothers from different cultures.
Milk Supply is a collection of recent articles in one convenient volume. Health care providers will find the latest insights from thought leaders on the following issues related to milk supply.
Professional Development
Professional Development is a collection of articles with the latest insights from thought leaders that will help you continue to grow as a lactation consultant.