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Why Communication Helps Breast/Chestfeeding Families

Why Communication Helps Breast/Chestfeeding Families

Why Communication Helps Breast/Chestfeeding Families. By: Angie Whatley RN, IBCLC, CLD Do you remember this first time you talked with a family about breast/chest feeding? Were you nervous? Did your suggestions help them succeed? Education and learning how to overcome...

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A New Paradigm in Lactation Care.

A New Paradigm in Lactation Care.

A New Paradigm in Lactation Care. By Rachel Curtis, MA, IBCLC, CD labor A new day is dawning in the world of clinical lactation care, as insurance companies expand coverage to IBCLCs. We lactation care providers are a hardy bunch. We occupy the gritty and obscured...

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2023 Annual Membership Meeting

  USLCA Board and Staff met for our Annual Membership Meeting on April 17th, 2023. Some of the topics covered include our organization growth, the annual financial report as well as current and future goals.  The meeting minutes and recording are available...

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Peer Support spaces Facilitated by Professionals

Peer Support spaces Facilitated by Professionals

PEER SUPPORT SPACES FACILITATED BY PROFESSIONALS: A Place to Learn, Be Encouraged, & Encourage Others  By Jennifer Hafele, M.Ed., IBCLC To be honest, I felt a bit anxious when my 2-year-old presented our nursing pillow to me and asked for “milk” with words and...

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Signs Lactation Consultants are Suffering from Burnout.

Signs Lactation Consultants are Suffering from Burnout.

By Annette Leary, RN, BSN, IBCLC Are you too tired to go for a walk? Have a lack of desire to socialize with friends or family? Find yourself looking for joy and feeling under appreciated? With the increased need for lactation support in various settings, lactation...

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Tube Feeding to Breastfeeding/Chestfeeding

Tube Feeding to Breastfeeding/Chestfeeding

By Lillian Gray Scott, M.S., CCC-SLP, IBCLC Some infants begin their lives in medical situations that require supplemental tube feeding to support necessary growth. These tubes can originate from the mouth or nose and travel to the stomach, or can be surgically placed...

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