USLCA’s Ongoing Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Two years ago, USLCA launched our new Mission, Vision and Values, so like most toddlers at this age we are continuing to push our boundaries (but in a good way!) At the heart of all of those statements is a commitment to diversity, equity and inclusivity (DEI). At...

Beyond the NICU
by Jessica A. Davis, BSN, RN, CCRN, IBCLC I realized that human milk and chest/breastfeeding had not been adopted as the standard of care for neonates born with congenital heart defects during my time as a bedside nurse in the pediatric cardiac intensive care unit at...

Revitalizing Your Private Practice
by Denise Altman RN, IBCLC Many (most?) business owners are feeling stuck after all of the challenges of 2020. It’s hard to be creative or inspired when hit with wave after wave of difficulties. When your energy is used for frequent adaption, it seems like that is...

Vaccination for Lactation Care Providers
The United States Lactation Consultant Association (USLCA) strongly advocates for lactation care providers to be treated as essential healthcare providers in the allocation of the COVID-19 vaccine. Lactation care is an essential public health service that should not...

A Simple Way to Help Parents Remember Biological Based Latching
by Jennifer Jordan, RN, IBCLC I work in a fast-paced hospital setting. With about 6,000 deliveries each year, we are hopping! The parents become easily overwhelmed by the high volume of staff coming in and out of their rooms each day. Top that busyness off with...

Resolving the contradicting care between Hospital and Outpatient IBCLCs
by Danielle Gauss, IBCLC Anyone who has worked in women’s health can tell you, that one of the biggest hurdles in caring for our patients is consistency. I have new parents reaching out frustrated, confused, and unsure who to trust. Everyone has something different to...

Alone in the World
by Dominique Gallo, IBCLC, RLC I live in southwest Virginia. I have a beautiful view of the Appalachian Mountains’ skyline from my back yard. It’s so beautiful here. The area is rural and has a small town feel to it. Lots of mom-and-pop shops and restaurants are here...

Introducing Amplify!
Who has something to say about human lactation, lactation care, and our profession? Well, it turns out that A LOT OF US DO. We do love to chat about these things, don’t we? We like to debate, to discuss, to turn things over and over to find the important bits. ...